Friday, February 20, 2009

Another day

So today was pretty much a normal day. I've decided that teaching is just going to exhausing every day. But there is good that comes with the bad. Today Lucas came over to me and told me that he was "angry" with me. I wasn't sure why for a while until I finally was like "Lucas why are you angry with me?" His reply was "You are messy!" Nothing gets past these kids. We had a teachers meeting today and as we were walking down there we passed all of our kids waiting in line and they started screaming "Teachers!!!" They were sooo excited! When we got to them they all jumped onto us for lots of hugs. Pretty much my favorite moment ever. Here's some more pictures! I got a picture with my favorite little Jackey


  1. Okay we get the hint, you can bring him home with you.


  2. Hey Mandy,
    Sounds like you are doing well over there. What an adventure! They ARE cute kids! When my brother was serving his mission in South Korea, Jordan was 2 and Dallan was born. He would always talk about how ugly the big/bug-eyed American kids seemed compared to the cute kids there. I used to get offended, but now I get it.
