Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chinese Culture Night

(The guy at the bottom of the picture's name is Marty McFly... from "Back to the Future"!! :))

Tonight we went to the Bond Institute building to have a "Chinese Culture Night". I wasn't exactly sure what that was going to entail but when we got there there was bonfire all set up outside of the building! The other bond group of about twelve American people were there with our group and then there were the directors and coordinators of Bond who are all Chinese. So all night we sat around the fire playing lots of different games. Get to know you games, "Fruit bowl", and Charades. It was also one of the boy's birthdays so we had cake and sang. My favorite part of the night though was when we all got in a circle around the fire and did a congo line. Good times. As we were leaving Annie told us to stop because "There are sweet potatoes in the fire!" We thought this was a weird Chinese phrase for something else but no, they really did have sweet potatoes in the fire. They had buried them underneath the fire and were cooking them all night. They weren't fully done though so they're bringing them over for breakfast tomorrow. It was awesome!
So tomorrow we leave on another four day vacation. We're going to a place called Phoenix. I don't know much about it except its a 15 hour train ride (sitting up the whole way :)) and there is a hike with waterfalls there. I'm excited for a little break. Thanks for being such great friends! I love you all!

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